Facilitation of collaborative projects

Are you involved in a group writing project or proposal and you’d prefer to contribute rather than manage everyone? Or perhaps unproductive dynamics have developed within your team that are hindering progress. I specialize in facilitating the writing process for groups of co-authors as well as the necessary discussions to help your group find a flow.

The reality of collaboration

Collaboration often sounds great in theory, but in practice, it can pose challenges. Expectations are frequently unclear, and responsibilities may not be evenly distributed. This can result in a small subset of individuals shouldering the majority of the workload, leading to resentment towards those perceived as not contributing adequately. Others may lack clarity on their role, feeling frustrated by what they perceive as dominance or micro-management.

The role of a facilitator

Enter the facilitator – a neutral party skilled in designing and overseeing a process that balances project needs, group dynamics, and individual contributions. The facilitator can encourage collaboration, enforce deadlines and foster effective communication in a way that might be challenging for the lead author or PI.

Get in touch to discuss your collaborative writing project.

What I can help you with:

  • Facilitation of an initial on-boarding meeting to establish roles and responsibilities, set expectations and agree on guidelines for collaboration

  • Creation of a timeline and facilitation of weekly check-in meetings to assign tasks and resolve issues that might have come up in writing

  • Facilitation of live, online brainstorming sessions to develop a shared vision and content outlines